Thursday, February 16, 2012

Thanks for helping me BLOOM!

At the end of pre-school the past 2 years, Caden has given his teachers a gift card.  Gift cards are nice but we wanted it to be a little more fun.  So I threw together these arrangements after gathering supplies from Hobby Lobby and added a picture of Caden.  The gift card on one and the frame on the other says "thanks for helping me bloom."  His teachers are so great, I'd give them a gift card EVERY day if I could afford it. :-)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Buttons

Valentine's Buttons - Super easy and really good!

-Pretzel snaps
-Wilton candy discs
-Cookie sheet

-Heat oven to 350. 
-Place candy disc on each pretzel
-Place cookie sheet in oven for 2 minutes
-Press M&M's in the middle of each disc
-Place in fridge to set

Friday, February 10, 2012

Kissing Fish Handprint Craft

I got this idea after seeing something similar on Pinterest.  Since I have 2 kids I thought kissing fish would be cute.  My little one likes it when we give him fish kisses, so I think it's pretty appropriate.  Besides my freehand fish bowl looking like an oddly shaped crystal ball, it came out okay for the first try.  Especially for a squirmy 2 year old saying "ewww" as I painted his hand.  After the kids searched for rocks for 30 minutes without success, I took some from my neighbor's pile of gravel (thanks, Cristi!) and hot glued them to the bottom. :-)